2024 Keynote & Plenary Speakers

The Right Reverend Gerasim Bishop of Fort Worth

Keynote Speaker

The Right Reverend Gerasim, Bishop of Fort Worth

Auxiliary to the Diocese of the South (OCA)

Dn Sampson Ryan Nash photo

Medical Plenary Speaker

Rev. Dn. Sampson (Ryan) Nash, MD, MA

The Hagop S. Mekhjian, MD, Endowed Chair in Medical Ethics and Professionalism & Director of The Ohio State University Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities

Fr Calinic Berger photo

Theology Plenary Speaker

Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Calinic Berger, PhD

Parish Priest and Adjunct Professor of Dogmatic Theology at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology

Dr. Pia Chaudhari, PhD

Psychology Plenary Speaker

Pia Chaudhari, PhD

Founding Co-Chair of the Analytical Psychology and Orthodox Christianity Consultation