Join our professonial organization today!
- Publication & leadership opportunities
- Reduced annual conference admission
- Online Members Only Community of Practice Events
- Members only online portal with members only events, resources, and networking.
Open to Eastern Orthodox Christian professionals in medicine, psychology and religion who reside in the United States.
- Emergency response
- Nutrition
- Medicine
- Dentistry
- Occupational Therapy
- Optometry
- Nursing
- Rehabilitative care
- Pharmacy
- Podiatry
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Counseling
- Speech Therapy
- Social services
- Substance abuse
- Assisted living
- Hospice
- Ministry
- Theology
- Chaplaincy
- Public Health
- Other specialties
Open to individuals of all backgrounds and specialties anywhere in the world.
- Eastern Orthodox Christian caregivers living outside the United States
- Oriental Orthodox Christians
- Caregivers of other faiths
- Non-caregivers
- Students
- Retired caregivers
- Individuals who are not Orthodox Christians
OCAMPR is expanding and developing membership benefits in 2023 to include more members-only networking, collaboration, leadership, and publication opportunities. Upcoming ministries include discipline-specific virtual events. - REDUCED EVENT ADMISSION
Professional and Associate Members enjoy reduced admission to the annual OCAMPR conference held every fall. - LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
Professional and Associate Members are encouraged to become board members. Positions are held for two years. Professional Members may vote and hold all leadership positions except Associate Chairperson. Associate Members may not vote, but they may hold office as Associate Chairperson.
Our professionally diverse fellowship welcomes you. Professional Membership is open to professionals in all caregiving fields related to medicine, psychology, and religion. Professional Members must be members of parishes under the jurisdiction of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States because the Assembly of Bishops has ecclesial oversight over OCAMPR. Individuals who do not meet ecclesial or professional qualifications (such as students, non-caregivers, and membership applicants whose parishes do not fall under the Assembly of Bishops) are welcome to join OCAMPR as Associate Members.
OCAMPR welcomes everyone to participate fully in all our ministries. Professional and Associate Members are encouraged, but not required, to pay the full annual membership fee of $150 per year.
If you are a new or returning member with limited income, please feel free to apply one coupon code.
- 50DOLLARSOFF – $50 off one annual membership
- 100DOLLARSOFF – $100 off one annual membership
Limit one coupon code per membership per year.